Travels in Foreign Lands

This will be my opportunity to share some of my thoughts and experiences in Switzerland with my friends and family back home. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures.

Location: Japan

Thursday, July 13, 2006

God is so Good

So the other day I was incredibly frustrated by the language barrier. I was feeling like a stupid American and thinking that I would never be able to communicate with the people here. But God in His providence took care of me as He always does. As I was leaving the internet café, after making my last post. The attendant stopped me and was telling me about all the great features he has to offer, like incredibly cheap international phone calls. At first I was thinking, "Why are you trying I do not understand you." But to my surprise I did understand him, sort of. And when I responded he understood me. It was the most encouraging thing that could have happened to me. I was beaming when I left. I started to feel like maybe I could do this after all. Of course I have not forgotten that it will still be a lot of hard work to understand. But with God helping me I will survive. Praise God for small blessings.


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